Online Enrollment Technology

Employee Benefits Package Strategy & Design

We work with you to make employee benefits management a 2- to 5-year strategic initiative. By defining objectives and developing an action plan to meet those objectives, we ensure an organized, complete approach to fulfilling your benefits needs. Our typical consulting approach includes the following.

Identify Objectives

  • Survey corporate benefit objectives
  • Understand corporate culture
  • Analyze current cost-sharing levels between employer and employee
  • Understand how the benefits budget compares to the overall budget
  • Measure current employee appreciation and understanding of benefit programs

Review Existing Benefits

  • Conduct market comparison of rates vs. benefits
  • Assess current vendor services
  • Evaluate all plan documents, such as summary plan documents, contracts, administrative agreements, amendments, eligibility policies, reinsurance policies, etc.
  • Scrutinize current use patterns including those for chronic disease, ER use, primary care vs. specialist use, hospitalization, and diagnostic procedures

Start Strategic Planning Process

  • Create a 2-year plan of initiatives and goals
  • Incorporate Member Health Management and Consumerism into plan
  • Involve upper management in the process as appropriate
  • Engage all employees in the common goal of maintaining affordable benefits that meet their needs

Communicate With Employee

  • Help determine which benefit education materials you need, from summary plan documents to payroll stuffers
  • Create custom documents of a variety of sizes and reading levels to meet the needs of your organization
  • Disseminate benefit education materials to announce and explain to employees how to use and get the most out of your company's benefits plans